And just like that, September came with the toughest period of my life, the passing of my wonderful Mother, Josephine. A proud County Clare native, my Mother and I spent my childhood summers there, I often wandered away, chasing butterflies and climbing amongst hay bales.
Last week, I returned to County Clare for the months mind.
Cliffs of Moher
I took the opportunity to reconnect with my Mothers kind family who took such care of us during this tough period. I will be eternally grateful for their support.
I, my partner, Cathal and Brother, Ferghal
A talented artist, Josephine has paintings dotted all over Ireland. Some of her earlier work still rests in her childhood home. I was overjoyed to see them again.
Artist, Josephine O'Hanlon
I took those early childhood memories and poured them into the fantastical creations that you see on the website today.
One of our most popular style of scarves is the Josephine scarf, of course named after her as a nod to the artistic talents she requested to me. I had the privilege of sharing this work with her before she passed - I can only hope she understood how proud of her I was and always will be.

Thank you all for your love, support, orders, cups of tea and shoulders to cry on.
I'll finish with the words I spoke at her funeral.
"My Mother, my best friend, my well of strength. You once told me that you dreamed of running through the fields of County Clare, only to awaken to a body that couldn't grant your wish. I will forever admire your unconquerable spirit and I accept that it's my turn to say goodbye to you in this world, for there will be no sickness, death, pain or suffering in Heaven and until we will be reunited with the believers who have gone before us, my wish is that you may return to me, in my dreams".